Amphibious AT-802F Scooping Single Engine Air Tanker

An Introduction to Rapid Response Aerial Firefighting with the Fire Boss

Rapid initial attack on fires is changing the way wildfires are fought. With less than 5 minute response time, the Fire Boss gets there first and is able to stay and fight for over 3 hours. Dropping up to 14,000 gallons per hour, per plane. No one else in the industry has the capability of a Fire Boss.


Fire Spotters & Citizens Watch for Smoke & Report to Authorities


Initial Attack Aerial FireFighters Are Deployed

Rapid Initial Attack

Pre-Position in High Risk Areas with Minimal Infrastructure

Depart in as Little as 5 Minutes & Arrive Loaded with Retardant

Extinguish Small Fires Early
Sustained Attack

Work Together for Greater Coverage

Scoop & Drop for Over 3 Hours Before Refueling

A Fleet of 3 Delivers 42k USG/Hour

Ground Support

Flies Low & Slow to Accurately Drop Close to Ground Crews

Refill From Nearby Water to provide ongoing support